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Home Online Reviews & Scams Zeekler Zeek Rewards Scam Review
Zeekler Zeek Rewards Scam Review
Zeek Rewards is a daily share profit platformwhich ties directly into the Zeekler Penny Auction program. Online Scams Uncovered is a website dedicated to bringing you the best and most accurate information available about particular home business opportunities and products available online. We try to examine and review every possible aspect we can of featured opportunities and make money ventures wecan find.
Below you will find a guest post of an activemember in Zeekler’s Zeek Rewards program and will shed light on the truth behind Zeekler’s penny auction setup and about Zeek Rewards opportunity . While his Zeek Rewards review may be subject to promotional material, it is something we have approved because of the thoroughnessand thought he has put into it. With the popuarlity of Zeekler’s penny auction bid program rising, we wanted insight from an active member of Zeek to provide his overview of what you can expect and why you are here.
==> Click Here For Official Review of Zeek Rewards <==
What is Zeekler and Zeek Rewards?
SEEING IS BELIEVING. I did my own completely unbiased investigation of ZEEKLER and ZEEK REWARDS and know I am proof that it works! My name is Chadwick Schroeckenthaler (you can just call me Chad) and I was a huge skeptic from day 1 after being told about Zeekler and the Zeek Rewards business opportunity.
We’ve all been burned so many times that my instant reaction was to disregard it like so many other online Ponzi schemes, moneygames and gifting programs that are out there. After getting involved I couldn’t be more thankful that I didn’t completely shut the door on it!
It took me a few weeks of being confused but once I understood it, it was a logical impossibility for me to say NO. You’ll totally understand what I mean after you get it! If someone DOES say NO after “investigating” it, it’s because they really didn’t understand it in the first place and decided based on a lack of knowledge or by wrongly comparingit with something else they are familiar with.
Hearing about how much money different people are making sounds nice and all, but what I’m hereto do is explain and SHOWYOU exactly how it’s doneso that you UNDERSTAND the inner workings and how this business model is legitimately sustainable. Zeekler’s Zeek Rewards program is not a get rich quick scheme, but some are able to generate an income very rapidly based on the way it is structured and thought out. Letme elaborate more and review the entire Zeek business model.
I’m a real person with real contact information and I’m willing to dedicate my time to you. I’m here to get your questions answered, not just get you involved and leave you hanging. One thing is getting involved in something that sounds great, another is having the right person or people show you how to maximize your income and not let earnings slip through the cracks! BEING HERE FOR YOUR SUPPORT is why MY Zeek Rewards TEAM is the fastest growing inthe company!
This program is NOT complicated, but without a knowledgeable person guiding you on how to take full advantage of the system you could lose money. Once you have KNOWLEDGE it’s POWER!
Zeek Rewards Review
Read my Review of ZEEKLER AND ZEEK REWARDS below to find out how you can earn legit money by joining this opportunitytoday. I want to take the necessary time and show how you can generate money with Zeekler & Zeek Rewards as soon as your ready.
Let me start off my Zeekler Review by askingare you too busy to watch your money grow? Want to make money without having to sign anyone up? You can do that too! Every day more people are claiming to have made and continue to make significantincome by simply copying and pasting a pre-made ad at approved venues for Zeek Rewards to qualify as a “partner affiliate” able to get paid from a profit sharing pool generated by the official Zeekler Penny auction site . The fact that “Zeek Rewards” iscurrently the #1 searched opportunity for home businesses on the web is creating a buzz and it’s a good reason to find out if it’s legitimate or a scam that is just a short money game where some win and lose.
When I was first told I immediately thought to myself “Zeek Rewards is a scam” because I didn’t understand it, once I did “no” wasn’tin my vocabulary, and it won’t be in yours either once you understand it too. Zeekler is a new concept and penny auctions might beforeign to you, so it could take you just a little while to “get it”, but that is why I am explaining in detail the entire legitimacy of the rewards program of Zeekler.
Why Choose Zeek Rewards Opportunity?
What is the general concept behind Zeek Rewards?
Imagine if someone told you ebay had a separate home-business affiliate model on the side where people could earn profits. Ebay is an auction, this is slightly different: it’s a penny auction. The penny auction site is called ZEEKLER.
How does a penny auction work?
Simple. Just like on eBay there are items for sell and individuals place bids on them ranging from electronics to cars, televisions, stereos, appliances, cookware, and the list goes on. The difference with Zeekler Penny Auction program is people buy bids for dollars that count as pennies towards the items being bidded on. The last person to bid wins the item and pays the final bidding price.
There are timers counting down to zero and the bidding game is fun, highly engaging and could potentially result in mega savings for the last bidders as well as great profits for the company. A real life Zeekler testimonial is a winning story: Last bidder won a Mustang for $4000. And you won’t believe how much revenue was put into that bidding process? A staggering 400,000 worth!
ZEEKLER then takes 50% of that profit pool and shares it with affiliates as a reward for taking 2 minutes out of each day to copy and paste an ad that drives traffic to the siteand exposes Zeekler.compenny auction to hundreds and thousand of new potential bidders. The company keeps the other 50% for profit and more auction items in the future.
Zeek Rewards is Changing Lives
This is where ZEEK REWARDS comes in! ZEEK REWARDS is completely separate from ZEEKLER, as it is the affiliate side of the company. This is a new concept and the onlyMLM type of business where everyone can make great money, not just the top 3%, without even having to recruit or sell to anyone. If you do choose to recruit and participate, it’s just gravy on top of your main course so to speak. The company givesyou the rewards, but no money is being earned from the money of others, that would be a Ponzi scheme which is illegal.
Here is a METAPHORICAL ANALOGY of Zeek Rewards to help you better understand:
Imagine you and 20 other friends are “affiliate members” of an unnamed “club” that puts on daily or weekly raffle parties with a bunch of prizes available. The job of the affiliate members is to advertise for traffic/people to come in and participate. Let’s say 800 people show up for one event. Everyone has fun, some win and walk away with prizes and some don’t. The club then takes 50% of the profits, and as a reward gives all of the 20 affiliate partners, includingyou, a piece of the pie for their advertising efforts. The other $50% of the profits would be used to likely cover club expenses and NEW raffle items for the next event. DISCLAIMER: I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM SAYING OR INSINUATING OR IMPLYING OR EQUATING THAT ZEEKLER OR ZEEK REWARDS HAS ANYTHING WHATSOEVER TO DO WITH BEING A “CLUB” OR PARTICIPATING IN A RAFFLEOR A RAFFLE CLUB OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT, BECAUSE IT DOES NOT. THIS IS FOR ABSTRACT CONCEPTUAL PURPOSES ONLY TO DEMONSTRATE THAT MONEY IS MADE FROM PROFITS AND NOT OTHER JOINING AFFILIATES. YOU ARE BEING PAID POOL PROFIT REWARDS FROM THE AUCTION FOR ADVERTISING FOR THE AUCTION.
Zeek Rewards Compensation Plan Structure
You can make money 6 different ways with Zeek Rewards program . Here are the 3 primary ways:
• Zeek’s Profit Pool Sharing – Earn an averageof 1.5% daily on any inventory you put in. Norecruiting necessary.
• Zeek’s Percentage on Referrals – by showing others they can earn on the profit sharing pool just like you. 20% on monthly subscriptions, + 10% daily on first level profits, 5% daily on second level profits)
• Zeek’s 2×5 Matrix – by getting a monthly commission on each person who falls in your forced matrix, whether personally recruited or not.
How can you maximize your profit sharing each day? By putting in more inventory in the form of “buying bids”. These bids result in an equal amount of points and then dollars. 1 bid = 1 point = 1 dollar.
We all know that in the real world it takes money to make money, the same is true here. The maximum amount you are allowed to put in is $10,000, but you can put in whatever number you wish to. Your earnings will be proportionate to what you have in, so $10,000 at 1.5%, as an example, would yield $150.00 on that amount for the day, $1000 would yield $15. Details aside, your earnings keep growing on the updatedtotal DAILY and you can decide how much you want to put back in to keep growing and how much you would like to take out as an allowance.
It’s important to be clear here that THIS IS NOT AN “INVESTMENT” OF ANY KIND.
Regarding the stability of the Zeekler company itself: it was founded by Paul Burks through parent company Rex Venture Group LLC. They have been successfully in business for over 14 years now and own another successful company that is still in business today after being founded in 1997. They have never missed a check. They work closely in compliance with FTC guidelines and currently have three top MLM attorneys representing them to make sure they are ahead of the compliance curve.
Zeek Rewards Contact Information
If you are interested in joining or need to speak to a Zeek Rewards member after reading the Zeekler Penny Auction review above, please contact Chadwick at 715.617.8423 or by email at ccs.affiliates@gmail.comwith any concerns or questions you might have. You can also visit his site by clicking the link below to go to the official zeekrewards.comhomepage.
==> Click Here For Official Review of Zeek Rewards <==
Zeekler & Zeek Rewards Conclusion
As we briefly brought up, the dramatic increase in attention and energy that ZeeklerPenny Auction system and the Zeek Rewardsprogram has been given over the past few months has been nothing short of amazing. Here at, we do not endorse or support Zeekler.comor ZeekRewards.comand attempted to write our own review on the program and opportunity but felt it was better to get it directly from inside a member of Zeek Rewards.
There are hundreds of Zeek Rewards news and massive payment proof earnings of members who are in Zeek Rewards online that you can seek out on your own. For this reason it is hard to label or call Zeekler or Zeek Rewards a scam because of the seemingly positive reviews and images presented. At this point in time, and after you reading a member’s point of view and lack of evidence, Zeekler does not appear to a ponzi scam or scheme.
However, we encourage and approve this website to act as an open discussion for all users to share your personal feedback, comments, and experiences regarding the “Zeek Rewards program inside of the Zeekler penny auction” website.
Thanks for taking the time to read our site as we value your time and money and that is the reason why this website exists today. We will not change, modify, or edit any comments and reviews left below about how you feel towards Zeekler and Zeek Rewards.
Categories: Freebie Deals , Internet Marketing , MLM Reviews , Online Scams Uncovered Tags: online penny auction , penny auctions , zeek rewards , zeek rewards program , zeek rewards review , zeek rewards scam , zeekler , zeekler penny auctions , zeekler review , zeekler rewards , zeekler scam , zeekrewards
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Work At Home Discussions 22 Comments 0 Trackbacks
Rafael November 3, 2011
Zeek ReWards is a fraud site???? (reply)
Bob December 12, 2011
Zeekler has been around for 15 years and starting to really take off in the USA. I’ve been a member for only a few months but Ithink it is great. I have been in other programs that take more time and cost a lot more money. I am a Silver member$10/mo and suggest you start there. It takes time to build a residual income that you want but It doe not require a lot of time or effort. Your original points do retireafter 90 days but you will have gained about 150% in that 90day period. As long asyou keep your account at 80% reinvest or better your account will grow. Thanks I hope this helps (reply)
Roni' November 3, 2011
There are a lot of MLM programs who sell you dreams but . Zeek Rewards Programs does really offer great payouts! They are one of the few that you can make great money and not have to do a lot of work. It only takes a couple minutes a day. In order to earn you do have to sign up as a silver, gold , or diamond but you will most likley only have to come out of your pocket once.Your earning should be enough to cover it, if you have your payouts set up correctly. I recommend diamond you get the most rewards. Anyone interested in knowing thetruth sign up : (reply)
king November 30, 2011
Zeeks a total scam, they subtley mention that your points will expire in 90 days but they say you will accumulated double by then but they forgot to mention that the points you get in subsequent days after 90 days will drop creating a stand still ultimately forcing you to buy more bids. ITSA TOTAL SCAMMMMM! (reply)
b ryan December 9, 2011
WOW-You probably need to take some math clases (reply)
Chad March 15, 2012
king, I’m so sorry you misunderstood how the program works but it is untrue that there will be a drop and stand still “forcing you to buy more bids”. All points do have a retirement schedule but that is to keep the program sustainable. Your point total does keep snowballing into a higher figure but ifall of them at once accumulated forever at a 1.5% (as an example) rate indefinitely it would render the program unsustainable and therefore an actual scam. But that is not the case. Let’s say that you have 1000 points, after 90 days it will turn into roughly 3800 once 90 days arrives. This leaves your balance at 2800. On your 91st day the points you earned on your 1st day (15) will retire but you will be earning 42, therefore you have earned 27 and so on andso forth. So your points/earnings keep growing and growing. You can decide at any time how much you want to take out in the form of cash rewards, however, you want to make sure that the growth exceeds what you take out to keep the snowball effect going. Hope that clears thatup for you! (reply)
raina millay November 29, 2011
I don’t get it, is it saying zeekrewards is a scam? (reply)
Cody November 30, 2011
Zeekler is a scam, the only way to make any $$$ is to get people who or either desperate for money, or just plain retarded…. (reply)
Chad March 15, 2012
Actually Cody, I’m so sorry you were misinformed somehow. It actually took mea little while to figure out how the whole thing worked to begin with so I don’t blame you for assuming the worst. It is actually unnecessary to sign anyone up to accumulate points and cash rewards — although that ability definitely exists. You will be rewarded in accordance with your inventory. If you have any more questions Ican definitely answer them! It’s always a good thing to understand a program beforepossibly misleading others into a wrong conclusion! (reply)
Lady Rich December 6, 2011
I havr realized my investments in zeekrewards double to tripple in less than aweek. I am not sure how active the above associates have been . All it takes is for you to advertise zeek bids which takes an average of three minutes. you get paid. If interested sign up at (reply)
Chad March 15, 2012
Hey Lady Rich, I’m so glad you are seeing a growth in your points and earnings! I just want to clarify for anyone who may misunderstand what you’re trying to say. There is actually no such thing as an “investment” with zeek. no one “invests” money into the program. You are purchasing bids which then become your inventory and then the company rewards you with points/dollars as a thankyou for advertising and driving traffic to the penny auction site. (reply)
Bill Wynne January 9, 2012
I am in the process of researching this company and I have to say that it is a real toss up.
This company passes a lot of the things that I would consider red flags.
It does appear that a lot of the complaints are from people that did not understand the program.
Anyway, I wish everyone the best. (reply)
Eric January 17, 2012
SCAM after I tried to cash out to get money of Zeek Rewards they deactivated my account. I tried to contact someone but after it was deleted they stopped contacting me. I google the address on google earth of 121W.Center Street Ext, Lexington, NC 27295. Got a farm field……hmmmm sounds funny to me! (reply)
Get Out Now January 21, 2012
This doesn’t sound much different than a program I got screwed in back in 2006.
It didn’t turn out well for that company. Take a look:… .
Notice a few similarities:
“www.12dailypro.comclaimed to be a paidautosurf program — a form of online advertising program that purportedly generates advertising revenue by automatically rotating advertised websites into a viewer’s Internet browser. Advertisers purportedly pay “hosts,” which in turn pay their members to view the rotated websites. The Commission’s complaint alleges that 12daily Pro’s sale of membership units constituted the fraudulent and unregistered sale of securities under the federal securities laws.”
Zeeklers purports that most of their revenue comes from selling retail items at auction. My guess is that most of the commissions are coming from signups and selling bids that expire. Bids that are used to pay other people may be considered unregistered securities.
“According to the Commission’s complaint, the 12daily Pro website, recently ranked as the 352nd most heavily trafficked website, solicited investors to become “upgraded members” by buying “units” for a “fee” of$6 per unit, with a maximum of 1,000 units”
Man – does that sound familiar. Change the word units to bids, and the fee from $6 to$.65. Zeeklers
“12daily Pro promised to pay each upgraded member 12% of his or her membership fee per day for 12 days. At the end of 12 days, the member purportedly would have earned a total of 144% of his orher original membership fee, 44% of which would be profit on the membership fee.”
So you would get your money back with 12DP and make a 44% return in 12 days. That is like 3% a day. Zeeklers is a bit more conservative, they only offer a ridiculous 1.5% per day, or over 500% year. Nevermindthat this is mathematically impossible after a certain amount of time, but hey, when your making money from a scam, who needs to use their brain?
“To receive the promised payment, a member purportedly must view at least 12
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